Monday, 21 April 2014

I've been nominated for a Liebster Award!

After two weeks away, I'm finally back on the blog and I can't wait to get back into the 30 day challenge! But first, I've been nominated for a Liebster Award!

Firstly I'd love to thank the brilliant Rhiannon Cooke from Life By Moonlight for nominating me in her post! Go and check out her blog! 

After reading Rhiannon's post and a few others, the rules are:

1. Firstly thank the person that voted for you and kindly leave a link to their site. 
2. Write out '11 facts about yourself'.
3. Answer the 11 questions that have been given to you by the person that nominates you.
4. Nominate 11 up and coming bloggers with less than 200 followers. (I went through bloglovin' and nominated my favourite 11!)
5. Get creative and come up with your own set of 11 questions for your nominees to answer.
6. Leave a comment on their blog with a link to your post, letting them know you've nominated them for the award and it isnt a spam. 

So here are my 11 facts...

1. No one ever believes I'm 21! 
2. My worst fear is the zombie apocalypse
3. You will never catch me wearing matching socks
4. I have 3 cat; Suki, George and Arthur 
5. I find it really hard to say goodbye to worn out shoes
6. I have an addiction to candles
7. I have quite a long name - Gabriella Rose Louisa Price 
8. The best place in the world is Auckland, New Zealnd - too beautiful! 
9. I want to be a zoologist
10. I once had green hair
11. I have the maddest housemates! 

And here are my answers to Rhiannon's questions...

What is your favourite thing about blogging?
Definitly the blogger community! I've met so many amazing people and learnt a lot from them!

What inspired you to create a blog?
I had already been posting review videos on YouTube but felt there wasn't as much contact between other users compared to blogging so it was time for a change of scenery! 

Do you plan on blogging in the future or is it more of a 'temporary' thing for you?
I really hope my blog will be here years in the future, I want it to be something that will grow with me as life fetches new adventures. 

What is your 'Holy Grail' beauty item?
They're real mascara by Benefit 

Who is your favourite blogger?
Ooh this is tough! It really changes every day! Today is probably Anna Saccone :)

What is your favourite season?
Autumn as it's my birthday season!

Are you a tea or coffee person?
Coffee. Without a doubt. It's an addiction.

What inspired you to start blogging?
Erm, I'd have to say starting reading posts regularly on bloglovin'. I really found some inspiration from blogs on there. 

What is your favourite book and why?
At the moment it is probably Divergent by Veronica Roth. I decided to read this as I like the look of the film preview and I often enjoy books more! I really enjoyed this and the way it looks at how people are segregated by what they value! 

Do you have any hidden talents?
Well its not particually interesting but I read stupidly fast, I don't read across the page like normal haha!

If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be and why?
Definitely Auckland, New Zealand. After spending time there, I love the pace of life and it really is a beautiful place! 

Here are my nominations for the Liebster Award:

Princess Of Pretty
Finding My Everyday Happy
Fresh and Fearless
The life & times of Belle
Tabitha West
The Confessions of the Professional Drama Queen
Polka Dots and Cups of Tea
The Novel Coffee
Genevieve's Life Blog

And for my nominees, here are your questions:

1.Dream holiday?
2.The blog post you are most proud of?
3.The biggest thing you've learnt since starting blogging?
4. 4 hopes for the future
5. What inspires you?
6. Your go to outfit?
7. Favourite book or film?
8. If you could have dinner with anyone, who and why?
9. Your favourite blogger?
10. Your average day?
11. Tea or coffee?

Thank you again to Rhiannon for my nomination, and I hope my nominees enjoy writing their own posts! 


Saturday, 5 April 2014

Radio silence!

Hello Lovelies! Just a quick apology for the total silence guys! I'm on a university field trip in Devon, with no signal or internet! I'm actually sat in Tesco to upload  haha! Can't wait to post about it all when I get back! Have a fabulous week everyone! 
Kisses, gabs.x 

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Day 9: How important is education?

Hello Lovelies!

Day 9 and the topic of education. I think it's particularly difficult to give a general view on this topic as it really is so different for each individual. 

I believe doing well lower in the system such as high school and college, is beyond important as GCSEs and A Levels really set the ground work for what a person is interested in and the beginning of working toward something you actually want to gain a knowledge of. 

When it comes to moving on and studying at university, it is not a decision that can be made on a whim. I am currently in my second year of studying for a degree in Zoology. I can honestly say 100% that it was the right decision for me. Not only in the academic sense as generally, becoming a zoologist would require a zoology degree but also from a personal sense. 
I have grown into a better, more mature person more than I ever imagined.
 I have pushed myself so far out of my comfort zone, and really taken the steps towards being completely independent.
I could never put a value onto the experience gained and the friends I've made!

But I know that moving away from home and continuing in education is really not for everyone, some people are just ready to head into full time work, which is great if it's possible to get into your desired field. 

I'd love to hear a few opinions on university vs. work, everyone feels so differently.
Comment or feel free to tweet me at @cityprettyblog


Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Day 8: Hopes for the future!

Hello Lovelies!

My future, well I have no idea! Past the next few year it all gets a little blurry, I have too many plans coming up to think past my 20's! So I'll stick with what my hopes are for after university! 

I'm currently in my 2nd year of reading zoology at ARU, next year I hope to produce a dissertation that is good enough for publication as a scientific paper.

After that, I would hope to graduate with a high 2:1 or above. Once I've graduated, I don't plan on moving back home. After 3 years of living in a city, I fear moving back to sleepy Cheshire would be more than horrid. So instead I'm going to find a job and work like a crazy person until I have enough money for a big plane ticket. 

Then as soon as I can, it's back to my favourite place in the world, New Zealand.
My hope is to head out there on a working visa, find a basic job and travel around when I can afford. It's still such a basic dream but I have to start somewhere! Eventually once I've figured being a grown -up, I hope to work on breeding programmes and with Primates in particular. 

My hopes for the future definitely seem so vague right now, but at least I know where I want to end up! 

This is such a talky kind of post so I'm going to leave it there, and maybe head back to doing some essay writing (got to get those 2:1s!).

Got any tips for entering the real world again after graduation?
Tweet me at @cityprettyblog
