Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Day 8: Hopes for the future!

Hello Lovelies!

My future, well I have no idea! Past the next few year it all gets a little blurry, I have too many plans coming up to think past my 20's! So I'll stick with what my hopes are for after university! 

I'm currently in my 2nd year of reading zoology at ARU, next year I hope to produce a dissertation that is good enough for publication as a scientific paper.

After that, I would hope to graduate with a high 2:1 or above. Once I've graduated, I don't plan on moving back home. After 3 years of living in a city, I fear moving back to sleepy Cheshire would be more than horrid. So instead I'm going to find a job and work like a crazy person until I have enough money for a big plane ticket. 

Then as soon as I can, it's back to my favourite place in the world, New Zealand.
My hope is to head out there on a working visa, find a basic job and travel around when I can afford. It's still such a basic dream but I have to start somewhere! Eventually once I've figured being a grown -up, I hope to work on breeding programmes and with Primates in particular. 

My hopes for the future definitely seem so vague right now, but at least I know where I want to end up! 

This is such a talky kind of post so I'm going to leave it there, and maybe head back to doing some essay writing (got to get those 2:1s!).

Got any tips for entering the real world again after graduation?
Tweet me at @cityprettyblog



  1. Wow! Aiming to get your dissertation published is such a big goal! Good luck with it! As my graduation gets nearer I'm seriously stressing about the future - start planning it ASAP is my advice!

    The Life & Times of Belle

  2. It really is, but it gives me something to aim for and I work much better with big motivation! I can't even imagine how stressed you are, I'm already so scared and I have a year to go!
    Thanks Belle!
