Friday, 25 July 2014

Letters to sixteen #7

Hey beauties, and welcome to the 7th and final installment of the 'Letters to sixteen' series! It has been so surprising how well recieved my first series has been and no doubt it will return later in the year! 
Today's post is written by the lovely Paige who can be found over at {A Paige at a Time}

Dear Paige, the 16 year old who is about to embark on entering life as more of an adult, moving on to new and more important things. Here are 16 things that you should know as a 16 year old...

Displaying PicMonkey Collage.jpg

1. Friends will come and go, but the best ones are yet to come

2. Listen to your Mum, she's always going to be right

3. Stick with your boyfriend, there will be hard times but he's a good egg and treats your right

4. You will get good GCSE's

5. Deciding to go to college to do Sports will be scary as hell and at first lonely, being the only girl, but you will make some hilarious memories and some good friends. They will also be there through the tough old times

6. If you want it, you WILL get it. So those top grades that you didn't think you'd get in first year, you'll smash it in second year

7. You WILL also make it to uni with those good grades

8. You'll also prove people wrong and get 5 offers from uni's

9. Create a savings account and actually stick to it, rather than 'needing' a tenner here and there for that top, that dress.....

10. Invest your time into things that matter

11. Read more, because in 4 years time you will have wished you had read more now you've got into it

12. Stop caring what people think, you are you, you are amazing and you should showcase that to everyone

13. You will have a truly amazing year at university, make the best friends, find an awesome house for second year and will want to relive it every day

14. You may not do that great results wise in your first term, but second term you will do bloomin' amazing!!!

15. You will have some amazing opportunities and experiences that you must put your all into!

16. And finally, be happy, don't worry, keep smiling and be you.

Paige x

Check out Paige's links:

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Le Tour Came to Cambridge!

So in July 2014 Le Tour De France passed through Cambridge! I have always watched the Tour with my Dad, so it was a huge honour to see it in my favourite city! Here are just a few snaps I wanted to share with you all from an amazing, sunny day! 

Monday, 14 July 2014

Letters to sixteen #6

Hello everyone, I'm Courtney and my blog is over at brokebutnotbasic. I am now 22, so 16 was a long while ago and I have learned so much since then. If I could go back and tell myself what I know now this is what I would say...

Dear Courtney,
Stop trying to grow up so fast. These are the best and easiest year of your life. Slow down and take it all in.
Find your passion and stick with it. Keep using that sewing machine your mom bought for you and don't get frustrated about that first ugly little purse you made. Just keep going.
Speaking of your mom...treat her better, talk to her, ask her advice, and stay connected to her. Do not run away from home. Yes, being a teenager sucks sometimes. But don't runaway from your family and responsibilities.
Stay away from boys. All of them because all of them are jerks and you will think that they are so sweet. It's all lies. concentrate on school and make the honor roll and get ready for college. Study more for your SAT's and just study in general. Think about your future but don't let it worry you.
Don't be so angry at the world. But stay strong and stay good.
Love, Courtney
P.s. Always have a plan B,C, and D!

Check out Courtney's links:

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Letters To Sixteen #5

Well it's July already.. Where is the year going? So lets kick off the month with a great post from as part of the 'Letters To Sixteen' series! Today's letter is written by the lovely Jess who can be found over at {That Curly Girl}

Dear Jess,

First off, please, just please, do something to your hair so you don't look like a toilet brush head it is seriously not a good look at all.
Secondly, why on earth would you bronze your cheeks to the point where it looks like you have
rolled around in mud in the park, I mean who told you that was a good look?!

Everybody says to you, 'your school days are the best of your life', believe them. It only gets
harder and although at the time you will cry and hate doing the work, when you achieve your
dreams, it will all be worth it.

Boys. Do we need to say much more? Your friends might have them right now, but in 3 years time are they still They aren't important, they are just idiots who end up breaking your heart, and its still the same when your older.
 The right one will come along when you least expect it. 
Oh and don't mix work and pleasure, and by that I mean a job and a boyfriend, it never, EVER
ends well.

Spend time and choose subjects that you like, don't try and please other people. It only leads to
long term misery and no one wants to be miserable.
Be yourself, stop trying to be like other people and appear cool. Be you, people will like you a lot more for yourself and not this person you are attempting to be.

Listen to Miss Jones, she's right about everything.
Your parents will piss you off to a tee, and it feels like they never understand anything, yep. But
they have your best intentions at heart, remember that, they aren't trying to hurt you, they just want what is best.

Don't worry about every little thing in life, s**t happens. Just move on and enjoy yourself.



Check out Jess online:

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Letters To Sixteen #4

Today's guest blogger is the lovely Philippa.
Philippa is mum to two boys (3 and 6 months) and can be found at {Letters to Elliot}

To 16 year old Me,

Hi. Rather bizarrely this is 33 year old You talking. Thought I'd write to let you know a few things and to enlighten you on what's important, and what's really not important, over the next few years.

Before I start I think it's good for you to know that my (our?) mindset has always been that everything happens for a reason, so all the stuff coming your way is just stuff you need to ride out. Ok? You'll have lots of fun along the way so it's really not all bad, honest.

If I can offer some advice though, it would be the following:

- don't worry about not doing so well in A levels, you'll get a good Uni place anyway, and do well there too, though maybe not where you first thought (remember everything happens for a reason..) 

- you'll do French at Uni so start practicing those verbs now. You'll get to spend a year in France. Please make the most of this year, you'll regret it aged 33 if you don't (believe me!)

- you'll make friends that will last forever, and some that won't. Don't beat yourself up about this. Some people just come into your life for a short time for a specific reason. Be grateful for their friendship but don't drag it out if it's not making you happy. 

- on a similar subject, you don't meet the man you'll marry until after your MA, so don't let anyone else make you think otherwise in the meantime. If I were you (or me?) again, I'd not be worried about meeting someone. You'll meet your husband through a friend so invest in your friendships.

- exercise. It makes you feel good. Honest. You won't think this sometimes but it's true and your future self will appreciate the effort!

- you are beautiful. Please believe this. There will be times when your body gets put through things (pregnancy, labour, c-sections!) that will make you feel a bit yuck and leave you in a different state to where you are now. Make the most of your beautiful self now. I know you think your tummy needs toning but honestly, it's amazing as it is. Get that bikini out at any possible opportunity!!

- spend time with your family. Especially grandparents. You'll miss them when they're not there. 
- eat healthy and drink lots of water. Oh, and wear sun cream also.

Most of all remember to call your mum!

You (aged 33)

Check out Philippa's links:
