Monday, 14 July 2014

Letters to sixteen #6

Hello everyone, I'm Courtney and my blog is over at brokebutnotbasic. I am now 22, so 16 was a long while ago and I have learned so much since then. If I could go back and tell myself what I know now this is what I would say...

Dear Courtney,
Stop trying to grow up so fast. These are the best and easiest year of your life. Slow down and take it all in.
Find your passion and stick with it. Keep using that sewing machine your mom bought for you and don't get frustrated about that first ugly little purse you made. Just keep going.
Speaking of your mom...treat her better, talk to her, ask her advice, and stay connected to her. Do not run away from home. Yes, being a teenager sucks sometimes. But don't runaway from your family and responsibilities.
Stay away from boys. All of them because all of them are jerks and you will think that they are so sweet. It's all lies. concentrate on school and make the honor roll and get ready for college. Study more for your SAT's and just study in general. Think about your future but don't let it worry you.
Don't be so angry at the world. But stay strong and stay good.
Love, Courtney
P.s. Always have a plan B,C, and D!

Check out Courtney's links:

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