Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Day 22: To my 16 year old self!

Dear Gabbi...

One, stop spelling your name 'Gabbi'. It just looks silly. And a little chavy! 
Two, put the bloody black eyeliner down! You look like a panda. You can have it back when you actually understand that lining your eyes does not need to be sharpie-thick! 

Okay, so on to the real stuff.. The next couple of years are going to suck. Trust me you will hate them, cry a lot and feel completely lost. But it will end sooner than you think. 

If I promise you that you will get out of Sandbach and you will get into university, will you work a little harder? 
6th form will be rubbish, you'll never fully understand chemistry but you'll finish it! Enviro will turn out to be your best subject so don't skip class.. Mr Leonard will figure you out! 
Mrs Thornhill will be your hero, trust her completely. Especially with the tomato project. It will be your best work ever and worth the endless chopping. 

I know all you want is to be popular and have loads of friends, but seriously stop trying so hard to make everyone like you. The sooner you do, the happier you'll be. 
Stop acting dumb and dressing to look like everyone else, you don't look cool and you honestly don't need to be like them! 
Don't forget to apply to Waitrose, and when you're there stick with Rach. She's still your best friend now!

Stay away from the boys, don't get angry about not having a boyfriend. When you get one, he's a jerk. And he'll make you cry. He'll pick her so get out first!
They're still all jerks now, even if they're older. Jerks. Listen to Rach when she tells you to stop seeing the footballer/barman. He's mainly a barman and doesn't deserve 2 years of your time. He's also a big jerk and don't pretend to be shocked. You knew all along.
Pick the guy that makes you laugh.

Listen to mom and dad more. I know they piss you off and you think they don't get how you feel, but everything they say is right. If you need to cry, go to mom. She won't question it, she knows you're ready to leave.
Dad is just awesome at everything. And get him to write your personal statement with you. He's good at that stuff. Oh and when you decide to find them, he won't be sad so don't hesitate so much!

Don't worry about what everyone thinks, just keep going. You'll get away soon!
Have fun back in NZ :D


P.S The october after your 18th birthday, don't drink the sambucas! The wine is enough. It won't end well, mom and dad will laugh at you and you'll feel horrid!


  1. Loved reading this. I definitely have made a few bad decisions in my life.

    1. So have I but it's definitely worth remembering that every bad choice pushes you forward to something better!

  2. I love these post how I wish we could really do this and read it to ourselves but I guess then we wouldn't make the mistakes we do and grow from them Lucy

    1. Totally! I do wished I'd got just a note at 16 telling me to stick it out! I'd have been much calmer haha! Thanks for reading! Gabriella.

  3. I remember the tomato project! Haha - good times!

    The Life & Times of Belle

    1. I've never looked at a tomato the same since!
