Saturday, 10 May 2014

I'm still here!

Hello lovelies!

Lets be honest, a huge apology is in order. I have been absent for far too long. I know the typical excuse of 'life's been crazy' just won't cut it right now. Life has gotten way past crazy and here's why... 

Devon - An amazing week in beautiful scenery. Getting to spend everyday doing what I love with the best course mates going! It's impossible to be bored around these guys and they really did make the experience 100 times more brilliant. 

Netherlands - Anyone who knows me well, can back me up on the fact that working in a zoo one day is such a dream. So a trip to Holland, with 4 zoos in 3 days couldn't have been more perfect for me!

Then it was back home for a week with my lovely family and catching up with the best friend! Spending time with Soph always fetches me back to my senses, she gets me more than anyone! 

And finally we come full circle, back to uni! Coming back really got me down, knowing I was back for 2 weeks of assignments and exams. Which explains why I'm so absent at the moment. I'm now in the middle of my final assignments and too much revision ... 

So, I promise I will be back posting full time as soon as possible! Two weeks and I'll be free of this year! Time to power through! 
