Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Letters to sixteen #2

Hello there, my name is Rebecca and I blog over on the tiny corner of the internet known as  {Rebecca Alice}. 
I met the lovely Gabriella on UK Bloggers when she asked if anyone wanted to write a letter to their 16 year old self. Now, only being 19 years old, 16 wasn’t a very long time ago for me, but in those few short years, I’ve learnt a lot that I would like to tell my past self, so here it goes!

Dear Rebecca,

It’s alright for people to call you Becca. You’ll go through stages where you are Becky (which only three people in the entire world call you now, and that’s you’re two best friends and your boss at Vision), but you will settle on Becca. 
Trust me, it suits you better.
You still won’t have a boyfriend, and that’s ok. You will learn that sometimes, being single is better than being in a bad relationship. You need to learn to love yourself first before you can love someone else.

Your last two years at Upper School will feel like hell, and some days they will be but trust me, A-Level Music is not as bad as you may feel like it is and you will pull through it. Mr Thomas is not there to be your enemy and in time you will grow to love him and appreciate his style of teaching and he will become the one person from school you miss most.
 He will help you through the stress of juggling five essay subjects, a school concert, a magnificent production of Les Mis (which people still talk about now, two years later!) and applying to Uni/Drama School. He does care for you,  he may not show it but he does. (I saw him today, and he gave me the biggest hug and asked me how uni was. Trust me, he’s a good guy).

A lot of the friends you thought you had at school won’t be there once you’ve gone to Uni, but there are people who will (Zoe, Indi, Corrin, Lauren and others). They are true friends, and just wait until the London Trip with Zoe and Indi, then you’ll realise just how much you love them. Even though you now live 145 miles away, they are only at the end of the phone and they will be there to help you. But you’ll meet new friends, new crazy friends that you’re currently planning to move with at Uni and they’re amazing.

1950’s fashion suits you. You’re not going to be a size 8 any time soon. You’ve got boobs and a bum, and curves like a women should.

Uni is going to be the hardest thing you’ve ever done. It’s nothing like you’ll expect it to be. Stick at it. It’s going to be shit for the first few months, and it won’t get better until the end of the first year, when you get two firsts!

You’re going to be fine and I know that you are a worrier and think everything’s going to be fine.



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